Saturday, November 12, 2016

New Ventures- Licensing my art

As Autumn draws to an end and the summer art show seasons door had closed there is a new window opening. You get it. The hole "one door closes and another one opens" thing. I had hoped that with the somewhat strengthening economy I would begin to experience a stronger art market beginning to take shape. Not so much. What I have noticed at all the shows and art fairs that I've done in the last couple of years is that 2-D art is taking a big hit. Their just seems to be less and less buyers for original 2-D.

I've been working on Polymer clay sculptures and figurines for most of the past year with pretty good results in sales.  I enjoy this medium and it is responsible for most of the years earnings.

The only problem is that I really miss painting.

Simultaneously I have been looking into licensing my art so that my images can be produced on other  products while I get to stay in my studio painting. There's a happy thought! Royalty checks coming to me while I sleep, and paint of course.

So after sending out one portfolio I was pleasantly surprised to receive an invitation to partner with Art Licensing International out of Vermont.
This would mean that one might find my work adorning many types of products such as wall art, fabrics, puzzles, clothing, greeting cards and much more.
So with that said I have signed the contract and the company begins promotion of my work.
Here is the link to my page at ALI.
Here's to new ventures!

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