Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A taste of High Society !

Here you can see detailed areas of "High Society" in progress. At this stage I have put down the first blocked in layers and am just beginning to add more ingredients. The entire canvas is filled to the same degree but I want to leave something to surprise. I will share future development as more of the recipe is revealed.

Monday, August 03, 2009

My Art Prize venue is.....

In my previous post I talked about the Art Prize Competition in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After Submitting a proposal for my intended work of art along with info about me and the entry the next step is to be connected with a venue to exhibit the work. Over 1500 artists are vying for only approximately 130 venues.
Open Concept Gallery of Grand Rapids, MI. has invited me to exhibit my painting, 'High Society', during the two week long event. This building features beautiful architectural elements that will enhance the experience of this exhibit and I'm looking forward to being a part of what is being called the biggest art competition in the world.
This competition offers a large amount of prize money and it is the public who decides the winners by way of voting. Voters must register at the event and place their votes electronically.
Please come to see this very unique event and remember that your vote for your favorite work of art can change someones life.
Click on the links below for more info about Open Concept Gallery and the Art Prize event.